Thursday, October 29, 2020
We were neighbors with John for 9 years, he is such a special part of our lives, we have so many good memories with him, he was more than a neighbor, he became a part of our family. He was always eager to help Paul build or fix things, from the 2 month fence project to sheetrocking our basement, mostly from his sitting cane, but we couldn't have done it without his expertise. There are so many good stories but the best are:
♥John and Joan were over for dinner and John gets up from the table looking around our property, he says to Paul "so what's the next project we're working on", and Joan yells at him, "John it's not your house"
♥For one of our daughters birthdays John wanted to get her something special so he went out and got her a garden starter kit, with tools and supplies, he wanted her to love gardening as much as he did.
♥My favorite story.... We were just moving in and we were getting an appliance delivery, the delivery guy was in a budget rental truck and he must have been driving up and down the road, as the delivery guy is backing down our driveway, John comes through our woods with a rake or whatever he was working with, running and out of breath, he thought we were getting robbed so he was coming over to take on the robbers, I told him next time come over with something that could do some damage.
John will live on in our memories.
We are very sorry for your loss.
Paul, Mandi, Sedona & Bryce Bromberg